The Best Books About Environmental Health

We recognize we must do something about climate change and the warming planet, and yet it’s a paralyzing—far too big for any one of us, as much as corporations would shift responsibility onto our shoulders. (Recycle!) Ultimately, we must take collective action and find powerful technological solutions to sequester carbon and stop burning fossil fuels, all while recognizing that we will continue to experience a lot more climate disruption. On this shelf, you’ll find pessimistic takes (The Uninhabitable Earth) and optimistic turns (Saving Us), as well as stories from some of our most heroic scientists, like Suzanne Simard’s Finding the Mother Tree, and Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass.

Please, as always, drop recommendations in the comments, I am always all ears for more books to read. The link below will take you to a shelf I curated on Bookshop with my picks—I earn an affiliate commission there, but it is ALWAYS MY PREFERENCE that you shop at and support your local bookseller, so no pressure to buy via Bookshop. This is the easiest way for me to organize and keep picks updated. Happy reading!


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