Yeshua: Integration not Eradication (Channeled by Carissa Schumacher)

Today’s episode is unexpected and unplanned but Carissa Schumacher and I felt like this was essential medicine. This is very vulnerable, but here we are. Carissa has been on the podcast three times as herself—I will link to those episodes in the show notes for those who want to understand more about her, but I’ll give you some context now as well. This is a channeled transmission of Yeshua, Christ Consciousness, from Thursday, October 12, 2023. This was part of an online study group for my book, ON OUR BEST BEHAVIOR. Originally, Carissa and I were planning this for August—three days of discussion, no Yeshua transmission—but then Carissa asked to push it to these dates in October, and told me that Yeshua wanted to do a transmission about beauty. Who am I to argue with Yeshua? And who, you might be wondering, is Yeshua? That was my question when I first met Carissa in January 2020. Yeshua is Jesus, or Christ Consciousness. Yeshua was Jesus’s name in Aramaic. Carissa is a forensic medium—one of the finest I’ve ever encountered—and in December 2019, Yeshua pushed into her channel and she became a full-body medium, which means that he knocks out her consciousness and uses her body and voice to talk. It’s weird, undeniably. And not Carissa! Carissa is brilliant—she was a neuroscience major at Brown—but she’s learning along with the rest of us, and her humanness is what I love most about her as a friend. She does not have guru energy, and she’s certainly not confused about the distinctions between her and Yeshua.

If you’ve read Jesus’s aphorisms or words in the New Testament, this is what you’ll hear: As one friend said, Yeshua is like a rapper. There’s word play, loop-de-loops, and so much wisdom, applicable to every single day. Sometimes he talks about history—his parents, Jewish law, the prophecies, Mary Magdalene. He was very much a Jew, which history likes to forget, though he frequently says that he came not to change Jewish law but to evolve it, to make it more accessible. The transmissions Yeshua gives have been life-changing for me—and life-saving for others. His words and essence are deeply woven in my work and my book.

Before we get to this transmission, I wanted to define some of his terms. He talks about shadow directly, but always offers that shadow is space, waiting to be filled with light. Typically, he talks about shadow versus light as unrealized versus realized—realized being what we see with our “real eyes.” He also talks a lot about the void. He talks about the Friday, when he was crucified, as the death day. Saturday is when you move from the tomb to the womb. And Sunday is the resurrection. We all do this all the time in our lives—when we die to relationships, jobs, beliefs. His point: You can’t skip the Saturday, the Sabbath. You must accept the full cycle of life. He also references the fear and control spigot, and the love and trust spigot. He talks about this a lot. When we are in fear, we reach for control. In past transmissions, he’s talked about the seven manifestations of egoic control and domination, which include violence, gaslighting, betrayal, appropriation. You’ll also hear mention of the vertical and the horizontal: The vertical is our access to divine, spirit, the universe, however you perceive energy. The horizontal is our daily lives. It’s our job to spill the vertical into the horizontal.

In my experience, Yeshua’s words are always about breaking polarities and binaries—putting you in a position to re-examine what you’ve come to accept wholesale or believe. Because, interestingly, he’s not at all interested in telling any of us what to believe. He wants instead to open our awareness and perception so that we can love more deeply. He wants to give us new lenses through which to perceive the world, including the sacredness of both life and death.

What I also love? Yeshua talks about the Divine as a “We”—and it’s not a royal We. He talks about Buddha sometimes, Lao Tzu, the Magdalene, and other Ascended Masters. Again, he is not asking you to believe in him or take him as your God—just to listen, and open your heart. This might be disorienting—to hear the voice of Yeshua through a woman’s voice box for one, but then, I’ve come to understand that that’s very Yeshua. He frequently says that he had a masculine form, and a feminine soul. And that Mary Magdalene had a feminine form, but a masculine soul.

The transmission begins with Yeshua guiding a 20 minute meditation. Please do the meditation, and not while you’re driving, so that you can fully receive his words. Transmissions are mental exercises, certainly—I take pages and pages of notes—but often they can be a full-body experience, so listen with your feet on the ground.

One note from Carissa: “The Transmission is the copyrighted intellectual property of Sacred Spirit Illumination and not to be reproduced or used, in part or sum, without permission. However, folks are of course welcome to share the link to the Pulling the Thread podcast with any and all people. We welcome and honor discussion surrounding this important Transmission.”


The Freedom Transmissions: A Pathway to Peace

Carissa Schumacher’s Website

Carissa Schumacher Episode 1: “My Spiritual Teacher”

Carissa Schumacher Episode 2: “Why Do We Suffer?”

Carissa Schumacher Episode 3: “Understanding Spiritual Power”

On Our Best Behavior: The Seven Deadly Sins and the Price Women Pay to be Good

For a transcript of this episode, please contact


Esther Perel: Conflict as Tool for Connection


Coming Soon: Special Series on Mystical Systems